when our time is up, when our lifes are done, will we say we've had our fun?


goodbye 2014

only one post on wordpress for the entire 2014. lol. I can feel myself changing. have moved away from the phase where I would post every single thing on fb and upload photos from all outings with friends. those photos are now safely tucked away either in my external hard drives, computer, or in my head as precious memories.

since 2014 has ended, I feel the need to recap to myself how that year was for me.

jan: travelled with wh to KL (just for transit lol), penang, siem reap, phnom penh, ho chi minh.

feb: flew back to tassie to pack up the life I left there after having stayed there for 4 years.

march: younger sis came to visit and we travelled all around tassie. chased wombats.

april: finished packing our shit up and drove to Sydney from tassie (took the car up the ferry from Devonport to Melbourne)

may: started job hunting, found a waitressing job.

june: started working in my first Australian archi firm, company G.

july: life got better so we started looking for a nice place to move into

august: found an awesome place beside darling harbour and moved there together with wh, yuan, and krys.

sept: left company G and started working in my second archi firm here- company P. had a better job scope and pay was higher too yay.

oct-nov: got into a comfortable pace in life. 🙂

dec: break started and family (dad, mom, younger bro and younger sis) came to stay with me for 2-3weeks! 😀

that pretty much summed up my entire year. it has been a fruitful year! having found such a great job is my greatest achievement of 2014. lol.

there are other things i’d like to move on to doing but I cant do it alone. it’s a little annoying. ohwells.hoping 2015 will be filled with lots of joy and good health and also greater advancements in my career and life!


The pet sitter who are murderers!


An asshole named Tim with a dad named Will copied an advertisement of a legit business on gumtree and my poor friend got duped into believing them. She then trusted them with her dog.

Her dog DIED (strangled) under their care. They are either really stupid to leave a small dog on a leash, at a balcony with huge railing gaps, or they are actual psychopaths who enjoy murdering animals. Either way, nobody should entrust their pets’ lives in their hands!

I am so furious with them but it’s hard to trace them since we don’t even know their actual address or full names! They have already deleted their fake ad. URGGHHH! I hope karma gets them one day and a pack of dogs attack and kill them!

Before i found out they their’s was a copy of a legit business, I attacked the poor innocent lady who owns the legit business and posted bad reviews everywhere I could. Whoops. I feel so sorry for that. Sigh. argh.

ice ice baby

Autumn. ❤

autumn autumnthen came winter.

ben lomond

ben lomond ben lomond ben lomond group pic us

This baby is too cute! ❤

cute baby cute baby

The end of a tiring yet beautiful day in the mountains.


Feeling melancholic listening to Birdy. This year has been great thus far.


things i’ve been finding therapeutic to do:

-stand in the hot shower and just feel the hot water trickling down while being surrounded by air highly saturated with water vapour

-make dumplings, paying attention to the folding of each piece

-cook, bake

-play out the songs in my head on the piano. there have always been songs in my head, songs i’ve never heard before, songs i never knew i had in my head, and now i’m starting to let them out on the piano. sometimes i really get into it, and play with my eyes closed while my mind is light and afloat.

i reallyyy love having the keyboard in my house. ^_^


things i want to complete this winter break:

-draw my site plan properly and prepare the file for cutting so that i can get my site model done

-do up my online portfolio

-finish composing at least one out of the three songs i composed recently. i have the start and main melody of the three songs but i havent decided yet what the bridge is gona be and how the songs are gona end lol.




blogging from thie bed right now as the photo shows, while my imac is on my desk. words are kinda smallll to seee but hahaha at least i am comfy in bed so i’m willing to sacrifice the spelling of words. :p aannyyyways, i just submitted my final assignment for this sem yesterday! wooohoo. finally feeling like a human again after all those sleepless nights and showerless days :p  hahaha. today has been a ‘me day’ yay. really good. groomed myself, painted my nails, laid in bed and watched shows,  etc. tmr shall be ‘house day’. i cannot tolerate how dirty my house is now and also how tall the pile of dirty laundry has become. lol.

life has been great this year. so far everything’s nice and dandy. the bf makes me happy. ^_^ out of my 4 years year, this is my favourite year so far! hope things continue to be so nice and dandy all the way through the year. next year is a really huge question mark for us though. /: how i wish i can take a peek into the future so that it’d be easier to make decisions like which city to move to and when we should come back here. ohwells.

k gona sleep. nights and peace out! x

easter stories

once upon a time,
there were two chocolate eggs rolling on my table.
they kept staring at me,
and i kept trying to resist not to eat both.
i lost the staring contest and ate them both.

the end.


me: *puts a chocolate egg in both pockets in my bunny hoody* “choose, left or right?”

le bf: “right”. *reaches to my right pocket and finds himself a chocolate egg*

le bf: “what are you now? an easter bunny?”

the end.


i don’t know

the summer hols back at sg was awesome! everything about it was awesome- my family, friends, food, and the internship! learnt so many things. 🙂 am looking forward to working next year. cherishing this last year of studies cuz i know i’ll definitely miss being a student. 

yea so, i’m already back in tassie and it has been one month since school started. back to being swarmed by assignments. am doing one right now- submission’s on tuesday. got stuck along the way though. been stuck for 5 hours or so. shall move on and do those i know how to do. i dont know why i’m feeling so blue today. it’s not even monday. today, a variety of different thoughts and feelings swarmed me and i went through a few mood swings. i realised that i really am very forgetful. i don’t know if that’s good or bad. sometimes it’s good..  :\ 

am quite excited about doing my professional project. i’m proposing a music centre at marina bay! enjoying all the related research i’m doing right now.

i miss ai lin, the friendly old lady who runs the house church i go to. she was the very first person i got to know in tassie. havent seen her in months. will go and see her soon. 🙂

one of my pet rabbit, Chocolatte, died recently. still pretty upset whenever i think of her. she had been unwell for months, and since i got back to sg last nov, i took care of her alot. and by alot, i mean sometimes i even spend 3 hours just sitting by her side looking at her to see if she needs anything. she passed away within the first month i left sg. can’t help but think, if i could continue being by her side everyday taking care of her, maybe she wouldn’t have died so early. she was born to us by our other rabbits. i still remember how excited we were when she was born. she and another sibling, Marshmallow, were the only brown and white rabbits. their dad was fully brown while their mom was fully white. their other kids were either just brown or white too. i miss you Chocolatte. i choose to believe that you’re living happily now in bunny heaven. *i feel like crying now*


holidays yeeehahh!

done with school for this year! 🙂 am enjoying my holidays to the max. lotsa hanging out and getting to know friends better. really enjoyed jamming with krystal and yuan/ryn! gotta start packing soon though, as i will be leaving for new zealand next week YAY. haha. money fly fly. can’t wait to start working so that i’ll be able to save up more $ and achieve financial freedom sooner.

i got an internship position at a local firm in singapore! they are quite a major firm in our country. rather excited about that. last year i emailed over 30+ companies but was still unable to secure an internship position. this year i got it through my dad’s church friend! somehow quite many major doors have been opened through church connections. the first person i know in tasmania who helped me to settle down was through my parents’ church friend, etc. can’t help but think that God is somehow helping to pave my path ahead! (:

there have been ups and downs in the past few months, but i’ve made it through it all! gotta be thankful for what i have been given and what i have been able to achieve. enjoying the final weeks of my free time before i go back to sg to start on the internship. just started to build an online website to showcase my portfolio. figured it’s better than having to send a hugeee file to companies when applying for jobs after i graduated at the end of next year. lol.

k that’s all for now. X

goodbye looney leney!

my friend leney just moved to london to do her studies in music! i respect her for having this dream back when we graduated from poly (about 3 years ago) and actually following through with it. haha. many people have plans for the future but never follow through in the end due to various reasons or hurdles thrown in their paths. so yea leney i salute you! (: i believe her time there would be fabulous! quite envious actually- those studying in UK get to travel to the countries nearby (oh-so-beautiful and wondrous places) for an affordable price! i’d love to visit her there in the coming years. dont know when i’ll be able to see her again due to our holidays being at different times. /: here’s wishing her all the best in her studies and life in the uk! (: take care leneyy! wherefore art thou theeeee~ (inside joke)

X 🙂

and as i sat here,

in the quiet house all by myself minutes before the 25th of august listening to the sound of my shallow breaths, i started to reflect upon what this birthday meant. it occurred to me that as i got older, birthdays meant less and less. the most significant birthday i remember was one i had at the age of 14 because that was the year i received the most presents. they amounted to a carton so huge, i had to get my dad to fetch me back from school (normally i took the bus). the reason why i got that many presents was due to that fact that i had shamelessly reminded my classmates to buy me birthday presents days before my impending bday. haha. now when i think back upon it, i find it really funny. oh innocent days.

many things have happened since my early teenage days- some good, some bad. i’m glad to say that i have not thoroughly messed up my life. happy to be where i am now- studying my masters of architecture in a quiet little town in Australia. i do mess up alot, but i realise that for some reason (perhaps it’s God watching over me), i do not mess up the really big decisions. (: every significant milestone in life has not been in regret, but rather i am thankful for them.

primary school: i had no say in this one as my parents enrolled me. glad that i was enrolled there though! really good school with yummy canteen food.

secondary school: got into a good school with my good results, and got to know my bestfriends who are still my bestfriends up till now (:

polytechnic: so glad i didn’t just join the crowd and enrol in a junior college though with my results i could have entered a JC. had SO much fun in my course (Diploma of Interior Architecture and Design) doing assignments, participating in activities held by the school, and made a dozen great friends! the 12 of us have been meeting up every christmas for a christmas lunch and gift exchange. and among the 12 of us, i have been staying in close contact 5 of them and we would meet up whenever we can meet.

university: had the opportunity to leave my tiny island which i was getting sick of after 20 years or so being stuck in the same place, and re-found my love for my country in return. i learned to appreciate my home, and especially my family. studying abroad has been a wonderful opportunity and i’m glad i chose a place with a price my family could still afford. i wouldn’t want to bankrupt them just for the sake of my education. also, i met my bf who has been with me for 28 months and counting. (:

next predicted milestone: graduation at the end of 2013 and seeking a job in Australia. that is so exciting! i can’t wait for that to happen. i wonder what’s in my future, where i would be working, and how work life would turn out for me.

for better for worse, cheers to my 23rd birthday.

*thought: perhaps i should get a glass of wine and toast to myself*


p.s. my i got my iMac yesterday! like finallyy! it was safe and sound. best self-bought birthday present so far. heh.

cough cough cough

i’m sick. flu and cough. it’s duper annoying having to find tissue to blow my nose every now and then, and having to cough loudly ever so often and disturb people around me. hope the sick bugs leave me soon! 

and so, i’m awaiting the arrival of my 21.5 inch iMac. 16GB ram, 2.8GhZ i7 quad core. i think TNT (ordered on the apple website and delivered by TNT) delivered my iMac to the wrong house as the website for tracking the item states that it was DELIEVERED. and even had a signatory. F-M-L! called them up of course. they’ll call me back tomorrow. *crossing fingers* i hope all goes well and i get my imac ASAP! want to use grasshopper and rhino on it! those programs kept crashing on my 4GB 2.8 GhZ dual core laptop. that was what gave me the push to purchase a new computer. Also, i hope whoever received it by mistake has not opened my package or laid fingerprints all over my new baby. i will kill them. use their fingerprints to track them down and kill them. hmph!

i’ve been trying to balance out my life more. realised that i have more time to sleep this year. ^__^ also, i signed up for gym together with wh and another four friends. started my regime today. the personal trainer wrote me the regime to follow and said that she’ll measure my fats and muscle percentage after 4 or 6 weeks to see the results. it’s actually quite exciting. the PT’s name is hannah. she’s so young (only 21), nice, and made me feel skinny. haha. apparently i have an ideal percentage of fats and bmi, with my muscle percentage verging towards the ‘high’ side. ^_^ but whenever i look at my tummy flabs, i dont feel skinny at all. lol.

on another random note, i scalded my finger while frying eggs and cooking instant noodle just now. hope it won’t blister.

my current design studio assignment is to digitally design a sustainable city. how exciting. more rhino and grasshopper. which brings me back to the topic of my imac. i want it asap and fingerprints-free! (or else!)

so glad to be doing design. love my assignments.. well at least most of them haha. for the building technology and design unit we just did an uber boring project researching about the heritage of a site yawns.

and now, back to designing my city! x

immensely satisfied with life right now

yup title says it all. hahaha. i LOVE HOLIDAYS. 😀
i have however, discovered some downsides:
  1. my sleeping hours are getting more and more screwed up. no school = no need to wake up early = wake up at 3pm = sleep at 5am. sun now sets between 4-5pm. this means that i only get 1 hr of daylight. 0_o feels weird.
  2. screwed up sleeping hours = screwed up meal times. today i ate my breakfast+lunch+dinner around 4.30pm. lol.

It’s now almost 2am. I shall sleep real soon, so that i can at least wake up by 12pm. loll.

oh, i’m already back from my short melb trip. was only 5 days and 4 nights. lol. 3rd time there! has been a annual trip since coming to study here in Aus.


love love their state library! if only launceston has one that fabulous too. /:


Royal Arcade. (: love the feel of these places


jap food checked!


korean food checked! LOVED THE KOREAN BBQ BUFFET ZOMG.

VIETNAMESE FOOD CHECKED! love love love PHO! x) the first one is from a vietnamese restaurant at Richmond, while the second one is from Mekong, which is located along Swanston Street!

Dwayne with mommy Sylvia! hehe. he’s sooo obedient! not one of those annoying screaming babies. 😀

what’s a melbourne trip without a photo of Federation Square? lol

Flinders Station

horses are so handsome (:

flight back to tassie. you can see where the sea turns into a river meandering into Tasmania and becomes the Esk River where Launceston was born.

 okay that’s all. haha. too lazy to upload more photos. (: ciao.

holidays are happy days

heading to melbourne in about 2 days time. 😀 can’t wait for the PHO at MEKONG (super love this), dim sum buffet, korean BBQ, nice jap food, etc! also looking forward to seeing sylvia and her babyboy! last year when i saw her, i accompanied her to her first scan of her little baby. it was the size of a pea. now he’s a few months old already! wh and i bought presents for him. ^_^

today i went on the Tin Dragon Trail with wh and three other friends. haha. but we didnt exactly complete the trail cuz it was cold in the forest where we were supposed to walk, and the guys wearing slippers were afraid of leeches. a leech did attack wh before ;P so he’s paranoid now. we ended the trail our own way.. by having a picnic at the beach! 😀

i used to be quite enthusiastic about uploading photos onto wordpress. 30 photos no problem.  but now, i try to reduce it to the minimal. hahaha. lazy already la.

hope everyone out there is having wonderful days too! ciao.

p.s photos are blurry cuz they were taken using my iPod. hahaha. was too lazy to bring my little lumix out when i have three professionals with their big DSLRs.

turquoise days are here

what’s been up? 😀

oh nothing much, just that i…

…got myself turquoise hair! *sparkly eyes* hahaha. I LOVE IT TO BITS! love love love turquoise.

wondering how I did it? nope i did not go to the salon. did it myself! had to bleach my hair first.

i used La Riche Directions Hair Lightening Kit 30% Vol. had to bleach 3 times and about 1-2hrs each to achieve this. and some parts are not lightened enough because the bleach ran out. haha. so.. for people with dark hair like mine, i’d suggest for you to get 40%vol (so that you won’t have to bleach so many times), and 2-3 kits if you want to do a full head with long hair. the best part is that my hair remained so silky even after bleaching! my hair isn’t in the best condition to start with, but i swear the bleach did not make it worse at all! it was still the same 😀 and i did not follow the instructions given! applied heat even though the instructions said not to. ;P i went ahead with that because during the strand test i realised that the heat did not do any damage to my hair at all. the strand test is very important. please do it if you’re intending to bleach your hair. 🙂

as for the dye, i used Turquoise and Alpine Green by La Riche Directions! hahaha i’m a big fan of them now. 🙂

to prevent the colour from fading so soon, i’m using Bedhead Colour Combat Colour Goddess Shampoo! Sulphate free.

also, to maintain the turquoise colour, i’m going to buy Joico Color Endure Violet Shampoo. It gets rid of yellow tones, thus preventing the colour from turning too green.

yep. so that’s it! 😀


two more weeks to go before the final submission then HOLIDAYS! i have great plans for my holidays. hahaha. do a hair make-over, try to learn rhino/revit, and go to melbourne with my bf and two other friends! it will be my third time in melbourne city. i love taking trips with my bf, and love taking the plane with him. heh. i still remember our very first melbourne trip. that was pretty awesome. we spent a week there, and filled every single day up with trips to various parts of melb (: even simple things like walking down the streets hand in hand with him made a happy memory.

i am thankful to be able to have this experience of studying in australia, and thankful to have found someone who i can share my days, joys, and sorrow with. ❤

meanwhile, i shall work hard on my assignments! shall use the holidays as a motivation to work hard!! >:) *determined face*

mixed feelings

sometimes, i spend so much time trying to do my work, but little work is actually done. or what i thought was sufficient, turned out to be insufficient. really, i try, but i end up disappointing myself. it’s depressing. but this extra tute is a blessing in disguise. i’m always happy about extra tutes. kiasu-ness perhaps.

when i found out one night about the schedule for class the next day, i wanted to inform my friends about it in case they haven’t checked their emails yet. but who am i kidding, everyone has already has someone who’ll inform them. i’m the one without a  buddy who cares enough to check if i have already found out about the news.

when i came here, i thought i’d be able to find friends like my polymates. but nope, i didnt. or rather, those who i became close with, have all left, hence placing me back at square one.

there it is. sadness.

reminders i need

just read an article about the life of the lower income families. it made me realise how fortunate i actually am, and that i’m not as poor as i tend to make out myself to be. some shallow tweets of mine would sound something like, ” i just bought this bla bla bla now i’m so broke”. every now and then, i need to be reminded of that.

deep inside i do know that my family isn’t that financially poor since my parents were able to give us quite a comfortable life and adequate education. no snazzy sports car each, but they did chauffeur us around up till secondary school. we were in our early teens when we started to learn how to use the public transport. no golden bathtubs at home, but they did give us more than enough tuition classes, piano classes, art classes, speech and drama classes, abacus classes, etc. no private yachts, but our house did have a garden for us to play in. i couldn’t study in some fancy part of UK as the cost would be too high, but my family did manage to send me to a university in australia. this list could just go on.

despite knowing those, there are times when i start looking over the fence, to those leading an even more comfortable life. they have private yachts, they can take trips to any part of the world whenever they want, they can afford to do so many things i can’t.

a happy person, is a person who is contented with what he/she has. if we keep looking over the fence and envying others, there’s no way we could ever be happy.

for now, i would like to publicly announce how content i am with my life and that i love my family with all my heart.

p.s. i just bought tickets to an end of year trip to new zealand with my friends and bf! 😛 looking forward to that! need to save up $! something i’ve always wanted to do but never got around to doing, is to get a part time job here!! lol. i will do that one day.

items bought in a fit of gloom

the story is: a couple of days back i bought 4 items from an accessories shop in the city. that includes a pair of earrings, two necklaces, and a ring. i really loved them all. however, i lost the ring the very next day! T_____T i’ve been quite upset on the inside over that. the ribbon ring doesn’t look that great in the picture but it really does look sooo appealing when i wore it on my finger!


luckily i did snap a photo of the ring before i lost it. T_T at least i have something to remember it by. lolol. but that wasn’t enough. i wanted to buy it again! however i didnt want to travel to the city again just to buy it. hence i looked online, and ending up buying a bunch of other accessories instead. hahaha.




yessss. ringggs. lol. couldn’t find the ribbon ring i wanted, but found these instead. 😛 hahaha. yes i bought the mustache in two colours. i think i’ve had a thing for PEACE items ever since i bought a shirt from Hard Rock Cafe with a beautiful colourful peace logo on it. i’ve never had a double ring before, suddenly now i’m gona have three of them. hahaha. and from rings i went on to look at other accessories.. like bracelets!



really love the beige and gold one! haha. then i decided having a black one would be good too. :p from here i moved on to HAIRBANDS.




you may think, why on earth would i need so many hairbands? hahahah. well well. i came up with very good reasons to convince myself to get them. firstly, i loveee turquoise. so i definitely had to get that one. but turquoise doesnt go with every outfit. so i had to get a more flexible one. hence i got the beige ribbon one. hehe. besides, i saw a similar one in one of the shops at Orchard Road. it was about 20+ SGD. i bought this one for about less than half that price 😀 then i saw the black studded one and decided that since i dont have anything like that (ribbon-less and a basic black) i should get one! it’s good for times when i wana add some spunk into my outfit i guess! hahahah. and… last but not least…


a headband/hairband thing! ahhaha. it just looked pretty and i didnt have anything like it. hence i bought it. this brings the number of items brough in a fit of gloom to a number of NINE. bye bye money! /:

can’t wait to receive them! 😀 probably in 3 weeks time.

And so,

The bf gave me peach coloured roses for our 2nd year anniversary ❤ heh.Love them!! and love him too of course. :-*

all things have been going pretty alright. the crazy busy period has passed for now. been slacking these two days hee. the past two submissions had me do all nighters for them. lol. cuz i’m just bad at time management and i dont know why i spend the longest time to do things i would’ve expected myself to do within a shorter time. /: my new month resolution is to be more efficient at doing work!! lol. and damn, my friends jenabi and jasper got me hooked onto Triple Town. =_= lol. the more i played the better i got and the more addictive it became. hahaha. terrible!!!

okay time for more photos. :p if you’re my friend on fb you prolly would’ve alrd seen them. haha.

That’s the new turquoise framed glasses i bought hehehe. LOVIN IT. zero degrees cuz i have perfect eyesight (and damn proud of that P:) love that collage of my friends wearing my glasses!

my conjoined twin :p okay lame hahaha.

i totallyyyy dig the reddish-purple ombre ends created by the filter of a camera app i used in my ipod. it looks so awesome with the brown that i wish this was real. hahahaha. oh and that was my first time doing the waterfall braid! took quite a few tries to get it to look decent lol. but i cheated. i merely did half my head for the photos 😀 lazy.

oh yesterday my little sister tweeted me something which made me laugh. (names all blurred out cuz this blog is public and i’d like to keep my twitter private 😀 )

though i have to admit. IT IS TRUE. O: hahaha. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I FOUND MYSELF SHOPPING FOR A PINK LIPSTICK. i mean, i totally despised the whole idea of a lipstick in the first place, cuz it’s just not practical! i mean, not practical for me. cuz i like to munch on food every now and then, and i dislike getting oily stains on my awesome mug (have you seen it yet? oh you totally should. i hand-painted it myself in a shop in LA. hahaha. cute cartoony figures of me and my besties!), what more a lipstick stain. pain in the ass to clean but gross to ignore. loll. but somehow, i found myself staring more and more at girls’ lips when they have pink lipstick on LOL. when i watched gossip girl, i stared at blaire’s lips. pretty. :p hence i bought one. hahaha. can’t wait for it to arrive. decided to give lipsticks a chance. lolll.

prior to this lipstick, i bought a decent blusher, eyebrow pencil, and mascara before i came back to australia this year. lol. i spoiled the eyebrow pencil. /: it works like a UHU glue stick! i rotated it too much, couldn’t get it to go back in, and accidentally broke the whole damn thing even before i used it 5 times fml =_= so i bought a new one online (different brand), only to discover a few weeks later that what i bought was a effing REFILL and not a pencil itself!! fml! lol so i had to buy the matching pencil. now i’ll have two of those (in different colours though) when i only wanted one to try out. still experimenting with brands you see. noob here.

after that, i found myself shopping for a cream blusher! the current one i have is a powdery one. to me, eyebrow pencils and blushers are the most important. lol. COS I AM SO DAMN LAZY TO PLUCK MY EYEBROWS. just draw the shape nicely and i’d have decent eyebrows hahaha. and blushers are important cos i wasn’t one of those lucky cute babies born with cute pink cheeks. sometimes i look in the mirror and think to myself, “damn, i look sick”. but of course my cheeks do flush when i get embarrassed or after a tedious run. but siao meh, you dont expect me to get embarrassed all the time right lol and i hate running (weak lungs really. they hurt when i run extensively). i dont like fakely pink cheeks. i just wana look HEALTHY y’know? so matte peach is my favourite colour. hahha. an orangey pink. makes me look a little teeny bit sun burnt-ish and healthy 😀 hate blushes with glitter with them lol. maybe unless i wana go to a partayy held at night lol.


but i guess it’s safe to say that, at age 22, it’s time i own a decent makeup set hahaha. HOWEVER, i still wana stick to my principle of NOT being a girl who can’t go out without makeup and can’t take photos without makeup on. really. haha. would really hate it if i turned into one of them.

above photos are all bare faced 😀

oh one more thing. i came across nail polishes i absolutely adore. especially Dionyza by Mecca! soooo in love with that! but it’s no longer available. )’:


WordPress on iPod

And so, hee. I’ve been very contented with my iPod touch. There are so many fun games, syncing with my itunes linrary is so convenient with the icloud, there’s facetime skype and other apps for communicating with friends, etc! On top of that, there’re so many awesome photography apps!!! Lol. Now I can pretend to be an artistic pro photographer lolol. 😉 I just downloaded the WordPress app. My first time trying to blog using this. Typing is still a little annoying, but I can deal with it. Lol. Okay I shall try adding photos in!


this is my favorite home screen image now lol.


i love this wallpaper too, cuz it’s tooo cute!! lol! but with all the icons in it, my screen looked too cluttered. so now i’m sticking with the blue-green-turquoise wallpaper on top. heh.



🙂 the boyfriend and i. lol. super grainy photos. ohwell. just an ipod’s camera afterall, what can you expect.




see those three filters? all so pretty zomg! 😀


mysterious girl.. not! lol that’s me. just wanted to see how my hairbun looked like. hahaha.

okay now I know the downside of blogging from my iPod. It’s quite hard to caption all the photos properly lol. Shall do it on my laptop instead lol.

(captions all done on my laptop lol. oh and one more thing, i haven’t figured out yet how to make my photos align to the center using the wordpress app on the ipod, thus i had to align them using my laptop.)

k, now back to doing Professional Studies! 😀


Just cuz i was bored and alone in school

*one normal photo to complement the ugly one :D*

sitting here waiting for wh to be done with his stuffs. lol. when i just got to launceston, it was like 28degs? crazy. and now it’s like 14 degs. the wind is crazy cold out there. without the wind the coldness would be quite bearable. lol. and hehe that’s one of the new jacket i bought over the hols. lovin it! the checkered details and two furry balls dangling from the hoody (cropped out of this photo though). lol.

first week of masters is pretty good! cos we aren’t given much work to do yet. hehe. i started researching already though! groupwork. we have a presentation on the 3rd week.

i have already finished unpacking my stuffs! woohoo. 😀 in my new house, we have a golf course as our backyard! true story. and ducks as pets. P: hahaha. they come and go as they like though. my housemate Tim feeds them. but the parrots are so damn noisy omg. wild parrots. those white ones with yellow thingies on top that many people keep as pets.

and now i shall talk about food. the choices of food here still sucks as usual. haih. me and wh are trying to cook more so that we can save more $. hahaa. CURRIES again.

the air conditioner is on in the com lab as i’m typing. so my fingers are getting pretty numb. ciao peeps.

oh, and i still do not have internet at home yet. which is why i’m actually blogging in sch. lmao.

this love… and other random stuff

wasn’t with my bf on vday. last year neither. lol. but it’s okay. cuz i’m gona see him in 3 days time! (: and we’ll get to spend almost every single day together for most part of the rest of this year.

he sent me this image ytd which made me very happy.


heheh. knowing that i’m on his blacberry’s wallpaper makes my heart go all melty! am happy that i’ll always be on his mind. and here’s my blackberry wallpaper.

❤ hehe

ok, my screenshot photo damn blur but still see-able la huh. hahaha.

i must credit Jasper Leong for the photos. he’s our friend and an awesome photographer!!!

time seems to have flown by so quickly. it’s time to head back to launceston. that little quiet town with little life and pathetic choices of restaurants. but still i like the cold weather and beautiful scenery! (:

these past few months of working has been great! too bad i couldn’t get an internship position at any archi firms. /: but the random jobs and freelancing as an interior designer weren’t too bad! haha. best part about working, is that i’ll have more $$$ to spend! yay.

bought new blouses, cardigans, jackets, pants, tights, shoes, iPod touch (not with me yet) met up with friends, visited wh in penang, and i didn’t have to ask dad for $ at all. (: even have some savings to bring with me to aussie. that shall be my Melbourne holiday fund (prolly going there in june. hahaha. can’t wait to visit my friend sylvia. her baby boy will be born by then!)

i’m always curious what my future kid would look like or would i even have a kid cuz i’m damn scared of pain. lol. always had the thought of how awesome it would be if babies can teleport themselves out of their mom’s womb. hahaha.

it’s my last day of work. next two days will be spent busy packing my luggage… have a feeling my luggage would be overweight lmao.

bought 5 architecture books from Page One on sunday. quite sad that bookstores are closing one after another. ): boo. but the closing down sale was pretty awesome. all books had a discount of at least 70%! too bad i only knew of the sale pretty late hence the detailing books were already gone. urgh.

ooh i met up with my primary school friend, wan ling, a few days back! photos still in my camera. haha.  we were in the same class from primary 1 to 4. we were 7-10 years old back then! x) after pri4 she transferred out to another school becuz she moved away. i’m glad we’re still keeping in contact! she’s my oldest friend ever in the sense that i’ve known her longer than any of my other friends. pretty cool to see how we have all changed and grown after all these years. catching up with her was great! (:

-here comes the abrupt end-


or rather, wisdom teeth-less.

just surgically removed the remaining bottom two wisdom teeth. took the general anesthesia. so i was happily asleep while they were doing horrible things inside my mouth. lol.

This is my xray from december 09. lol. seeing my dangling earrings makes me laugh. the dentist didnt realise i had my earrings on as my hair was covering them and i too forgot about them. hence the xray turning out like that.

the bottom image is the xray i just took on jan 2012. lol. the top wisdom teeth are already gone cos i had them removed the previous year. you can see that my bottom two wisdom teeth are in horrible positions. so yup got them removed yesterday.

felt like crap after the surgery.

surgery started at 3, ended by 4.30pm, after which i slept in the dental clinic for i dont know how long. then they called my dad and he came to pick me up. literally had to hold my arm and support me cos i was still feeling so drowsy from the anesthetic. lol

went home and slept till.. about 7.30pm. woke up still feeling like crap. whole lower jaw was so numb i had to hold it with my hands to make sure they were in actual fact still there. hahaha. tongue was bloody numb too. literally both bloody and numb. blood still flowing up till today.

my jaw feels so sore on both sides, as if i was punched by The Rock or The Hulk perhaps.

oh, i accidentally chewed off part of my stitches on my right wound FML. that’s cos the leftover thread was a little too long and kept loitering where my teeth were. haha.

thankfully the wound hasn’t burst open yet. hope it wouldn’t! lol.

okay i hope i get well soon! i hate this sore feeling.

And i swore to myself,

never to turn into one of those girls who can’t leave home without makeup on their faces. lol.

actually, i’ve already made up my mind about this manyyy years back when i was just a high school girl. x)

so,  i shall stay true to myself. haha.

this thought came to mind again when i was looking at some girls’ photos. 90% of their profile pics at least must have make-up on.

nope, definitely don’t wana turn into one of them. :p

not saying anything negative about them la. they happy can already lor. most important is for all of us to live our lifes happily and with confidence right.
